Don't Panic: What to Do When a Tree Falls on Your Roof

A fallen tree on your roof is a frightening sight. The immediate aftermath can be chaotic, but staying calm and taking the following steps can help you navigate this situation effectively:

Prioritize Safety:

  • Evacuate the Area: The first and most crucial step is to ensure the safety of yourself and your family. If the tree has caused structural damage to your home, evacuate immediately and stay away from the affected area.

  • Call 911: If there are any injuries or downed power lines, call 911 immediately. Emergency responders can assess the situation and provide necessary assistance.

Assess the Damage:

  • Visual Inspection (From a Safe Distance): Once you've ensured everyone's safety, take a moment to assess the damage from a safe distance. Look for signs of structural damage, leaks, or downed power lines.

  • Don't Climb on Your Roof: Never attempt to climb onto your roof to inspect the damage yourself. Leave roof inspection to qualified professionals.

Document the Damage:

  • Take Photos and Videos: If it's safe to do so, take photos and videos of the fallen tree and the damage to your roof. This documentation will be crucial when filing an insurance claim.

Contact Your Insurance Company:

  • File a Claim as Soon as Possible: Contact your homeowners insurance company as soon as possible and report the incident. Your insurance company will guide you through the claims process and help you determine the next steps.

Securing Your Home:

  • Contact a Roofing Contractor: A qualified roofing contractor can assess the damage to your roof and provide temporary repairs to prevent further water damage. They can also advise you on the necessary repairs or potential roof replacement.

  • Board Up Broken Windows: If the fallen tree has caused any broken windows, boarding them up can help prevent further damage from the elements and secure your home.

Dealing with the Tree Removal:

  • Leave Tree Removal to Professionals: Do not attempt to remove the tree from your roof yourself. Hire a qualified tree removal service with experience handling fallen trees on structures.

  • Work with Your Insurance Company: Your insurance company might have recommendations for tree removal services or might cover the cost of removal in your policy.


  • Stay Calm: While a fallen tree on your roof is a stressful situation, staying calm will help you make clear decisions and navigate the situation effectively.

  • Prioritize Safety: Always prioritize the safety of yourself, your family, and anyone in the vicinity.

  • Seek Professional Help: Don't hesitate to seek help from qualified professionals like emergency responders, your insurance company, roofing contractors, and tree removal services.

By following these steps and seeking professional help, you can manage the aftermath of a fallen tree on your roof effectively and begin the process of getting your home back in order.


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