Benefits of installing a drip edge

If you’re interested in protecting your home and prolonging the lifespan of your roof, consider having aluminum drip edges installed. 

Benefits of installing a drip edge:

  • Prevents fascia and soffit damage: Drip edges redirect water away from your roof’s vulnerable soffit and fascia areas and funnel it into your gutters. If your soffit and fascia are left exposed, they can be damaged by the excess moisture. This damage can take the form of discoloration and wood rot.

  • Drip edges keep pests out of your home: Drip edges cover the “carpenter’s gap” of your roof. A carpenter’s gap is the area of space between a roof deck and a fascia board. This area of your roof is often responsible for letting small animals or other unwanted pests enter your home through your attic.

  • Can keep your porch dry: Because drip edges redirect water into gutters, you don’t need to worry about a downpour washing down from your roof and onto your porch or deck during heavy rain.

  • Stabilize your roof: Roof edge flashing can help stabilize your roof during strong wind or rain. Since wind damage is among the top reasons homeowners file an insurance claim, this is one benefit you should not ignore.

  • Drip edges protect your roof from ice dams: Winter can be a dangerous time for your roof. Ice dams are a culmination of ice that collects and freezes on the edge of a roof. Ice dams prevent snow from thawing and draining correctly. If snow is unable to thaw and drain, that moisture gets backed up and trapped on your roof, which adds weight and can cause wood rot. Should this moisture enter your home, it can lead to mildew or mold growth. Drip edge flashing helps prevent ice dams from forming.

  • They protect your basement: When drip edges redirect water off your roof, they also redirect it away from the part of the ground directly beneath your roof, which often leads to your basement. Without a drip edge to intervene, water can soak through the ground and into your basement during heavy rain.

Although the ideal time to install drip edges is with a roof replacement, it’s possible to install them on existing roofs. In fact, in many places across the United States, building codes require structures to be equipped with drip edges because of how beneficial they are. For the same reason, many homeowners are choosing to install drip edge flashing on their existing roof.

When it comes to a drip edge install, it’s best to let experienced professionals take care of it. If a drip edge is installed incorrectly, water will not flow into the gutters properly. This issue can lead to wood rot and other water damage, which can destroy the fascia and soffit. Damages caused by an incorrectly installed drip edge may lead to costly repairs in the future.

The drip edge should be angled to allow the rainwater to drip directly into the gutter, however, each roof is unique and may require the drip edge to be bent or installed in a way to allow this action to take place. If you notice water dripping between your home and the gutter, it may be as simple as readjusting the drip edge.


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