Advantages of Low-E Thermasheet

Have you ever nearly burned your hand because you couldn’t put a paper cup down fast enough after pouring your fresh, hot morning coffee? But dump that same hot coffee into a foam cup and you can hold it all day long. Why is that? The foam of the cup provides a thermal break between you and that steaming java goodness, that’s why. In much the same way, Low-E ThermaSheet® Insulated Roofing Underlayment provides a thermal break between the blazing heat of the sun and your cool air conditioned house. Low-E ThermaSheet® reduces the temperature below your roof deck which means your house uses less energy.

Installing Low-E ThermaSheet® on your roof deck can offer several advantages:

Improved Energy Efficiency:
Low-E ThermaSheet® is designed to reflect radiant heat, which can significantly reduce heat transfer between the roof deck and the living space below. By minimizing heat gain in the summer and heat loss in the winter, the thermasheet helps maintain a more comfortable indoor temperature and reduces the load on your HVAC system. This, in turn, can lead to lower energy consumption and reduced utility bills.

Enhanced Insulation:
The thermasheet acts as an additional layer of insulation, providing improved thermal resistance. It helps to prevent the transfer of heat through conduction and convection, thus reducing energy losses and improving the overall energy efficiency of your home.

Comfort and Temperature Regulation:
By reducing heat gain and loss, Low-E ThermaSheet® can create a more consistent and comfortable indoor environment. They help to minimize temperature fluctuations, hot spots, and cold drafts, resulting in improved comfort levels throughout the year.

Condensation Control:
Roof decks are prone to condensation, especially in humid environments. Low-E ThermaSheet® has a built-in vapor barrier that help control condensation by preventing warm, moist air from reaching the cold roof deck surface. This can help protect the roof structure from moisture damage and potential mold growth.

UV Radiation Reflection:
Low-E ThermaSheet® also has a reflective layer that can block a significant portion of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. UV rays can cause damage to roofing materials, leading to premature aging and degradation. By reflecting UV radiation, the thermasheet helps to extend the lifespan of your roof and reduce maintenance costs.

Environmental Benefits:
By improving the energy efficiency of your home, Low-E ThermaSheet® can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with heating and cooling. This contributes to a more sustainable and eco-friendly living environment.

It's worth noting that the specific advantages may vary depending on the climate conditions and specific characteristics of your home.


Different Types of Siding


Proper Attic Ventilation is Critical